Matthew Hapstack
  • Biological Sciences
  • Class of 2016
  • Greenville, SC

Matthew Alexander Hapstack of Greenville named Barker Scholar at Clemson University

2014 Nov 7

Matthew Alexander Hapstack of Greenville has been named a Barker Scholar at Clemson University.

Hapstack is a Senior earning a degree in Biological Sciences.

The Barker Scholars Endowment was established to honor President Emeritus James F. Barker and his wife, Marcia.

It was inspired by Barker's own experience as a Clemson student. While he excelled in his classes, he faced the derailment of his college career at the end of his junior year when his savings ran out. Administrators and faculty, recognizing Barker's potential and his dilemma, awarded him a scholarship to pay for his senior year.

The endowment was funded by gifts and contributions and now totals $2.86 million.

Scholarships are awarded to students with the highest level of need or to those who face extraordinary circumstances causing a change in their financial situation.